Coms gone to shit

Where Gods Were Made

You're all genuinely retarded. Only about 3 people in this com are cool, and if you just thought about it being you, then it is most definitely not. Anyways I hate you all and I want to see your public opinion, mainly for the chaos. Fuck you all.

Which will last longer
Fuck you, this com sucks.

As you may know, OGz is making a return. So now we've got both OGX, and OGz entering the lime-light as the 'OGU Killer'. I'm sure by the time this spreads, both coms will be equally as hellish as the other and equally as annoying. So vote, I want to see fire in the comments. (vote to comment, the comments are under the results)

this site, and only this site under the following domain "dumbasscom" will be used for any retard disputes that i need settled by og community members, any others popping up later are foneys that want my big ol dick. (Also, thank you to Wes, Helios, & Grimhost for the free hosting <3)
// if you're here, I fucking hate you.